Ethan Pennington
Ethan Pennington, after serving nearly 10 years, was released from Prison in April 2014. In 2015 he was able to initially go back inside the now closed, IREF prison, to preach on Sundays. After IREF closed he was able to speak in numerous Prisons throughout Indiana the next couple of years. However, during this time his family would face numerous challenges. Working two jobs on top of ministry began to weigh on his heart concerning the time he was away from his own family.
He realized that going inside the Prison would need to be put on pause. It was during this season he was invited by a friend to attend the “Business of Life” course, by Josh Tolley. It was in this course the vision for his entrepreneur journey would begin, and his life changed forever.
Figuring out how to utilize entrepreneurship to gain control of his time, he went to work on establishing the foundation for his family, and back to work inside the Prisons, supporting himself through is entrepreneur endeavors.
Ethan was able to surprise his mom when he was released. Enjoy this beautiful moment & help us make many more!
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Kelton Cook, Peer Recovery Specialist
Hello! My name is Kelton Cook, a Peer Recovery Specialist at Felon UP. With over two years of experience in facilitating Addiction Recovery Services, Intensive Outpatient Programs (I.O.P) and Outpatient Programs (O.P.) working alongside two Directors of Addiction Recovery Service (A.R.S) in the Indiana State Prison and I.S.O(level 1) in Michigan City, Indiana. I specialize in an administrative leader role and peer mentoring role facilitating courses used by our current court recommendations, such as Recovery While Incarcerated (R.W.I) I use my positive attitude and past experiences, strengths and hopes throughout our curriculum to help influence people with mental, drug and social issues their full potential once released. I am inspired by my daughter and close family members. In my free time I enjoy riding my motorcycle and fishing with my grandfather.